Patrick County 17,748
45 Minute Drive 279,666
60 Minute Drive 856,014
Labor Force:
Patrick County 7,842
45 Minute Drive 127,910
60 Minute Drive 408,734
The population in Patrick County, Virginia is 17,748 when extended to a 45-minute drive population increases to 279,666 and 856,014 in a 60-minute drive. The region has a civilian labor force of 7,842 with a participation rate of 52.3%. Extended labor force is 127,910 in a 45-minute drive and 408,735 in a 60-minute drive. The mean commute time is 30 minutes. The unemployment rate for Patrick County was 6.2% as of February 2021. The regional unemployment rate was lower than the national rate of 6.6%. One year earlier, in February 2020, the unemployment rate in Patrick County was 3.7%.
The cost of living is 11.2% lower in Patrick County than the U.S. average.
Of individuals 25 to 64 in Patrick County, 15.2% have a bachelor’s degree or higher which compares with 33.5% in the nation. The median household income in Patrick County is $43,073 and the median house value is $120,000.
The largest sector in Patrick County is Manufacturing (17.7%). The next-largest sectors in the region are Retail Trade and Health Care and Social Assistance.
4-lane divided highways and six Interstates within an hour’s drive
I-74: 34 miles I-77: 40 miles I-73: 42 miles
I-81: 50 miles I-40: 60 miles I-85: 63 miles
Route 58 widening: Route 58 is currently undergoing construction to widen its two lanes to four lanes. This will allow for improved safety on the roadways over Lovers Leap.
Seven domestic and international airports within 2.5 hour drive
– Piedmont Triad International: 54 miles
– Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional: 81 miles
– Charlotte Douglas International: 129 miles
– Raleigh-Durham International: 134 miles
Port of Virginia
Direct access to the Port of Virginia the deepest harbor and largest cranes on the East Coast
Four 170-foot-tall ship-to-shore crane
50-foot inbound/outbound shipping channels
Major Industries
Capewell Aerial Systems LLC
Eastern Microfilm Sales (EMI)
Kreager Woodworking
Ten Oaks LLC
Primland Resort
Nancy’s Candy Co.
Worley Machine Enterprise
Hopkins Lumber Contractors
Mechanical Designs of VA
Aircraft Belts & Harnesses
Digital Imaging
Wood Products
Narrow Fabrics
Roll Forming Dies
Textiles & Fabric
Hardwood Flooring
5-Star Resort
Candy Manufacturer
Precision Machine Shop
Precision Machine Shop
Public Water Service
Town of Stuart – The Town of Stuart operates a public water distribution facility with a maximum daily capacity of 777,700 GPD. Currently it operates at approximately 50% of its capacity.
Public Wastewater Service
Town of Stuart – The Town of Stuart operates a wastewater treatment plant with a maximum daily capacity of 600,000 GPD. Currently, it operates at approximately 50% of its capacity.
Patrick County is provided electricity by American Electric Power Company. AEP offers extremely low electrical rates which average only two-thirds the national average per KwH.
Solid Waste Disposal
Patrick County operates a solid waste transfer station that transports area refuse to Waste Management Services out of state. The solid waste tipping fee for industry is currently $50.00 per ton.